The subject is divided into two sections one is Financial Management and another one is Economics for Finance. Financial Management covers the major part consisting of 60 marks and Economics for Finance consists of 40 marks.
Start from the basic theory and formulas of the chapters so that you can easily solve the difficult level questions.
It is always better to start and be done with the small and easy chapters first. The reason corresponds to the simple fact that all the small chapters collectively contribute to a huge weightage of marks. Eg: Leverage, Ratios etc
Economics for Finance is basic, simple and easy to understand. Reading it thoroughly and understanding concepts will definitely fetch sufficient marks.
General Guidelines:
DO RTPs, MTPs and QUESTION PAPERs without fail. Keep doing it repeatedly as a few questions come directly from here. This is one of the most important tips you should implement well.
Around 10-15 marks of the paper is asked from the latest RTP. Hence, make Cover it thoroughly.
Even if you have not finished your SM & PM, must solve at least 3 mock test papers & past 3 question papers. This will help you when you are sitting in the exam hall for writing and you know the manner to answer any question.